Reminder: our annual David Hunter Memorial Lecture is coming up soon, on Tuesday 5 March. The theme is ACT-ION: ACT…
Update 14/2/2024: Apologies to anyone who tried to register for our lecture and found it didn’t work – there was…
Violence against First Nation women is rooted in historic and unequal patriarchal power structures, racism, exclusion and marginalisation, enabled by…
Following the NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country, Heal Our Nation – our speakers will explore connection to Country and…
Notes from the Parliament of Youth on Sustainability – Thursday 24 June 2021 The Parliament of Youth on Sustainability brings…
More Than a Word – Reconciliation Takes Action. See Newsletter 2/2021 for events in ACT
On 26 January, people will be meeting at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy at 10:00am to walk to Parliament House. The…
Dendy Canberra has given ANTaR ACT some double passes to the preview screening of an important new Australian film, High…
Guest Speaker: Tony McAvoy, SC When: Thursday 27th August Time: 6pm for a 6.15pm start and will conclude before 8pm…
Where I Stand – a stirring photographic exhibition from six iconic Australian artists – Michael Cook, Dr. Judith Crispin, Sarah…
In Australia, of the estimated orginal 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, only around 120 are still spoken. Of…
Join us in conversation with Co-Chairs of the ACT Reconciliation Council, Genevieve Jacobs and Chris Bourke, to explore what we…
This was my first time at the march and I was glad I went. Participants and the overall crowd were…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care – Change the Future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in…
NAIDOC Week (8-15 July 2018) events are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of…
ANTaR ACT as part of its community and education focus is starting: Aboriginal Authors: A read and discuss event on…
Sea of Hands volunteer opportunity details ANTaR is planting the Sea of Hands on the front lawn of Parliament House…
Looking back, looking forward – steps towards justice, rights, respect 6pm, Tuesday 31 October 2017 – please join us for…
Join us for a tour of northern Canberra sites with Richie Allan of Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. When: Saturday 16…
Join the Community Celebration to formally Welcome and Celebrate Clinton Pryor’s amazing journey, Walk for Justice, on Sunday 3rd September. …
Rod Little is a current Co-Chair of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and a former chairperson of the…
ANTaR ACT has a collection of ‘hands’ in six colours, which are suitable to prompt discussion of reconciliation and recognition.…
6pm for 6.15pm: Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ANTaR ACT invites you to attend the…
6-7pm: Lounge Bar, Level 3, Uni Pub, 17 London Circuit The Australia Institute, in cooperation with Oxfam and ANTaR ACT,…
6pm: Manning Clark House, 11 Tasmania Circle, Forrest Please join ANTaR ACT for the screening of a series of short…
11am-2pm: The Smith Family Office, Crn Launceston and Easty Streets, Woden This year’s NAIDOC theme will highlight Aboriginal and Torres…
2-4pm: Lena Karmel Lodge Rooftop, 26 Barry Drive The ACT Greens are hosting a National Reconciliation Week afternoon tea. The…
10.45am: meet at Regatta Point; walk starts at 11am at base of Commonwealth Avenue bridge Welcome to Country by Aunty…
6-7.15pm, Civic Library (entry at rear) All welcome. Enquiries to Peter: 0417 197 382.
Assembling from 11am outside West Block, Anzac Parade This is an Aboriginal led march which joins on the end of…
‘Kindling the Peace Fire’ – from 5.30pm on Friday 24 April on top of Mt Ainslie: Meeting at the top…
10.30am-12.30pm and 2-4pm for ages 7-12 Internationally acclaimed Indigenous artist, Christopher Pease, leads a painting workshop inspired by his current…
12.45pm, ATSI Urban Gallery, National Gallery of Australia FREE entry / no bookings required Christopher Pease’s paintings are currently on…
1-4.30pm, National Museum of Australia, Visions Theatre Bookings essential: ‘Remembering Yayayi’ is a documentary that weaves together contemporary interviews…
12.30-2.00pm, Hanna Neumann Building, Room G058 (near Degree Café and Manning Clark Centre), Australian National University Researchers from ANU are…
Assemble at Tent Embassy at 11.30am for a 12.00pm march to Parliament Speakers from 12.30-2.00pm Kimberley Aboriginal communities have declared…
January Over long weekend of 26 January: rallies and discussion at the Tent Embassy February 5 February: Just Reinvest –…
Call for volunteers: AIATSIS (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) and ANTaR are celebrating the anniversary of…