Unfortunately, circumstances including ill health of one of the speakers has meant that we have sadly decided to cancel the event planned for Thursday 14 April at ANU. We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to working with the our partners to plan an alternative event shortly to highlight the very important issues around the continuing high rate of incarceration. We will be keen hear from those who have much knowledge and passion to share on these issues.
The significance of the anniversary will be marked by other events in Canberra and around Australia. In particular, on Friday 15 April, the Change the Record campaign are organising a dawn event in front of Parliament House, and a morning forum at Old Parliament House with a panel of speakers including:
* Richard Frankland – Singer, Songwriter, Author, Poet and Film-Maker
* Professor Mick Dodson – Director of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies
* Dr Jackie Huggins – Co-Chair of National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
* Antoinette Braybrook – National Convenor of the National FVPLS Forum and CEO of FVPLS Vic.
If you are interested in attending either of these events, please emailantaract@yahoo.com.au for more information.
For information about current campaigns, see ANTaR National website orChange the Record website.
Other news of interest
Refreshments will be served. Click here for more information.
ANTaR ACT will host Dr Chris Bourke MLA, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Disability, Minister for Small Business and the Arts, & Minister for Veterans and Seniors on Tuesday 19th April, 6pm, in the Snug Room (behind the bar) at King O’Malleys. This will be a chance to raise issues around current ANTaR campaigns, including reducing incarceration, and find out more about the ACT Governments position and actions in these areas.
Enquiries: call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.
Also, Karen Middleton wrote an article on Australia’s Indigenous youth suicide crisis in The Saturday Paper on 2 April. Interesting reading. Note that there are some subscription restrictions, but people should be able to read the article for free (one article free each week per reader).
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