There will be a number of Frontier Wars-related events in Canberra in the week leading up to Anzac Day:
- Frontier Wars Story Camp 2016, 18-24 April at the Aboriginal Embassy (details on Facebook; flyer);
- Dr Libby Connors, University of Southern Queensland, author of Warrior, speaking on 22 April at the Story Camp and at Manning Clark House (details here);
- Anzac Eve Peace Vigil (details on Facebook);
- Frontier Wars Anzac Day March, meet at 10.00 am, corner of Constitution Ave & Anzac Parade, Canberra (details on Facebook).
Note that the Facebook pages linked are public pages and you do not need to be on Facebook to access.
The event details above were copied from the Honest History website. For more, see Honest History resources on Our First Peoples, including material on the Frontier Wars.
ANTaR ACT events
Enquiries: call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.
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