Deaths in Custody anniversary event

Marking 25 years since the release of the Deaths in Custody Report

** Note change of date and venue – now Thursday 14 April at ANU **

ANTaR ACT, with the support of the ANU College of Law Reconciliation Action Plan Committee and AIATSIS, is holding an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the release of the report by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Speakers on the significance of this report will include:

* Jill Guthrie (a descendant of the Wiradjuri people of western NSW and Research Fellow of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at ANU)

* Wayne Applebee (a Gamillaori Elder who is a panel member of the Calambany Circle Court and provides academic training in Social Sciences, Justice Studies and Law at the University of Canberra).

When: 12.30 – 1.30, Thursday 14 April
Where: ANU College of Law, 5 Fellows Road, Acton
RSVP not necessary

For information about current campaigns, see ANTaR National website orChange the Record website.

Reminder: the next ANTaR ACT committee meeting will be on Tuesday 6 April, 6pm, at the Snug Room in King O’Malleys (behind the bar).

Enquiries: call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.

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