Imagining a different justice future for Indigenous Children in the ACT
ANTaR, Amnesty International and the ANU College of Law Reconciliation Action Plan Committee are co-presenting a forum to support the Change the Record campaign and imagine a different justice future for Indigenous Australians living in the ACT.
Monday 30 May 2016
5.30 for 5:45pm start, followed by drinks and finger food, to conclude by 7.30pm
LawLink Theatre at the ANU College of Law, 5 Fellows Road, Acton, ACT.
The ACT has a better record than other Australian jurisdictions regarding the impact of the criminal justice system on Indigenous young people. But why is it that adult imprisonment rates are rising? What does the future hold for young Indigenous people in the ACT? Can we imagine a different future for all Indigenous children in the ACT?
This forum will bring together the ACT Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Chris Bourke, the ACT Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs,Andrew Wall, Corrections Minister Shane Rattenbury with policy makers, scholars, practitioners and community advocates working in the areas of court diversion, sentencing, corrections, community initiatives, restorative justice and justice reinvestment. See the Eventbrite link for a full list of invited participants.
Discussion will be moderated by ANU College of Law lecturer Mary Spiers Williams, with questions posed by ANU and UC students, as well as an opportunity for impromptu questions.
This is a free event. For more information and bookings, see Eventbrite.
Calendar update – Sorry Day event – Thursday 26 May
National Sorry Day Candle Light Walk and Memorial Service
This event will commence at 6pm on Thursday 26 May at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy where gatherers will set off on the Walk to the Stolen Generations Memorial to light candles and hold a minutes silence. The candlelight walk will then continue to the Australian Centre of Christianity and Culture where a Smoking Ceremony and Memorial Service lead by Rev John Brown will be held at a Ceremonial fire. At the end of the service there will be tea/coffee and light snacks and an open mic for sharing.
ANTaR ACT events
The next ANTaR ACT committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 7 June, 6pm, at King O’Malleys (note – we don’t have the Snug Room this time, but a table in the room to the left as you enter).
Enquiries: call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.
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