ANTaR ACT May Bulletin of coming events

Events related to Indigenous rights and culture.
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Events for NAIDOC week and Reconciliation week.
Coming Events – put them in your diary now!
National Sorry Day Bridge Walk Connecting to Ngunnawal country BBQ/lunch Ceremony 11 am-1 pm Friday 23 May Commonwealth Ave Canberra
Please gather at the northern base of Commonwealth Avenue bridge at 10:45am. Welcome to Country: Aunty Agnes Shea. There will be entertainment, healthy food and drink choices, coffee and tea provided.
Sponsored by: Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service, National Sorry Day Committee and ACT Government Health Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service
For more information call Ian Bateman on (02) 6284 6222
Reconciliation Week highlight tours Talk/panel discussion:  11:30 am-noon 24 May-3 June National Portrait Gallery of Australia, King Edward Terrace Parkes
Highlights tours of the Collection will focus on the story of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 30 minutes
Stories Make All the Difference: 2-3 pm May 25 & May 29 National Portrait Gallery King Edward Terrace, Parkes
Jack Manning Bancroft, CEO and Founder of Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience, discusses the power of storytelling while reflecting on his journey and his personal experiences
Reconciliation Planting Day BBQ/lunch Course/workshop Talk/panel discussion Walk 27 May 9 am-4.30pm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre 245 Lady Denman Drive, Yarramundi Reach
The ACT Government invites you to come along and celebrate National Reconciliation Week 2014 by planting local native plans and learn about the significance they have to local traditional custodians and the cultural landscapes.  There will be planting native species, weaving demonstration, understanding Canberra’s cultural landscape, a free BBQ lunch and learning about local bush tucker and Ngunnawal history and culture.  Phone (02) 6207 1110 for more information.
Old Masters:  Australia’s Great Bark Artists 9 am-5 pm, May 28-June 3 National Museum of Australia, Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula
The National Museum of Australia holds the largest collection of bark paintings in the world. Don’t miss your chance to see specially selected barks on display in this stunning exhibition, which celebrates the genius of Australia’s master bark artists.
Phone: 6208 5000
Ngunnawal Sings: 9:15 am-10:00 am May 28 Unaipon Avenue, Ngunnawal  
The senior school choir will perform “The Journey” at a whole school assembly. The chorus will be projected so that the whole school can participate. For More information call Karon Campbell on 6205 8182
Buroinjin Gala Tournament: 9:30 am-2:15 May 28 Were Street, Calwell
Sporting/ awards event. Calwell High School will host year 5 & 6 Primary School students from the Southside districts of the ACT to compete for the annual Buroinjin Gala Cup. For more information phone Don Bemrose on 0425 205 743
What is the Future of Reconciliation? 2-3 pm May 31, National Portrait Gallery of Australia King Edward Terrace Parkes 
Michael Tuahine talks about his creation of Community Leadership Solutions, his involvement with Former Origin Greats Employment and Careers Expos and the ARTIE Program – Achieving Results through Indigenous Education – and the impact these programs have.
Reconciliation Run: 8-11 am June 1, Level 1, 50 Colbee Court, Phillip
Reconciliation Run will be held on Sunday 1 June, as part of Reconciliation Week celebrations, and will include 5km, 10km, and 15km distances. It is a social, community event. There is no registration process and no times will be recorded – participants are welcome to run or walk alongside the squad. It would be appreciated that participants make a gold coin donation as IMP relies heavily on community support to continue the program. For more information: Kellie O’Sullivan ph. 02 6162 4750
Michael Riley, Artist and Friend: 2-3pm June 1, National Portrait Gallery of Australia, King Edward Terrace, Parkes
The Hon. Linda Burney, Deputy Leader of the Opposition NSW Legislative Assembly speaks about her dear friend Michael Riley and his extraordinary photographic portrait series of dynamic Aboriginal men and women on the brink of interesting and diverse lives. Free.
ANTaR ACT Monthly Meeting: 6-7.30 pm, Tues 3 June, Civic Library (entry at rear).
All welcome. Enquiries Peter 0417 197 382.
Discover Bark Painting lecture: 12.30-1.30 Thurs 5 June, National Museum of Australia
Celebrating the ‘Old Masters’ exhibition (see above). 
Free event, bookings essential. 6208 5000.
ACT NAIDOC Awards Ball Saturday 5 July 2014 QT Ballroom, QT Canberra (formerly Lakeside) 1 London Circuit Canberra City (Doors Open 6.30pm)
Join us to celebrate, honour and remember all those that have helped make our Canberra community what it is today. Tickets are $70 each (+ $5.17 booking fee) or $700 for a table of 10 (+ $34.45 booking fee) Price includes a two course meal, entertainment and lucky door prizes.
Dress: Black Tie or Evening Wear (Please no jeans).
All are in the running for ‘Belle and Beau of the Ball 2014’ as well as the People Choice ‘Best Dressed Awards’. Entertainment by ‘Conversation’ and Canberra cover band ‘Something Like This’. Also features special performances by Guitar virtuoso Chris Tamwoy (Bluesfest) and Troy Brady and his ten-year-old son Dean Brady (Australia’s Got Talent finalist 2013).
Exhibition: Michael Cook, Through My Eyes.  Exhibition tour: May 28, 10:30am-noon, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House, 18 King Edward Terrace, Parkes.
In this unique exhibition, Michael Cook transposes the faces of Aboriginal people over the faces of twenty seven former prime ministers, encouraging the viewer to ask ‘What if?’ and to re-think the way they view Australian history. There will be a morning tea, an address by the Museum Director, Daryl Karp, and a tour of the exhibition 10:30am – noon on May 28.  Exhibition runs from May 1st for August 3rd.
Go on a Gallery Tour: 3pm daily, National Museum of Australia, Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula
Explore the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ history, cultures, spirituality and connections to country in this 1 hour guided tour of the NMA permanent collection. Costs apply. Phone 6208 5000.

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