ANTaR ACT Bulletin of Coming Events

Events related to Indigenous rights and culture.
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Coming Events – put them in your diary now! 

Murumbung Yurung Murra Cultural Tours

Experience Ngunnawal country with an Aboriginal ranger and gain an insight into the cultural landscape of the region. Discover why Ngunnawal people and neighbouring nations have gathered here for tens of thousands of years for ceremony, marriage, seasonal foods, trade and lore. Learn how that connection is still held strong by the traditional custodians today, and view Canberra’s significance as a nationally important meeting place from a different perspective.
“Welcome to Ngunnawal Country, home of my people. Come join me on a tour to discover Canberra’s 25,000 years of Aboriginal heritage. I’d be honoured to share some of the stories of my ancestors with you, and show you our continuing connection to the mountains,” Adrian Brown, Ngunnawal Ranger.
Tour highlights include:
  • an insight into Ngunnawal history and language
  • opportunity to learn about local plants and animals
  • hands-on activities, toolmaking and traditional use of natural resources
  • exceptional mountainous country and cultural landscape
  • appreciation of the world’s oldest continuing culture.
Tour information:

Gudgenby: Where the waters meet
Next tour: 9 am, Saturday 14 December 2013
Duration: 4 hours Cost: $40 per person

Visit a significant rock art site in Namadgi National Park. Enjoy an easy 6 km walk with sweeping views of the Gudgenby Valley and surrounding mountains with an Indigenous ranger. Listen to the interpretation of the rock art and the meaning of the symbols and gain an insight into how the Ngunnawal people and neighbouring nations gathered together in the Gudgenby Valley to perform ceremony, marriage, trade and lore.

Gubur Dhaura twilight walk
Next tour: 4.30 pm, Friday 29 November 2013
Duration: 60 minutes Cost: $20 per person

In the Ngunnawal language, ‘gubur dhaura’ means ‘ochre ground’. Join an Indigenous ranger on an easy walk to experience the history of the site and its connection to the pathways of the Ngunnawal people and neighbouring nations. Try your hand at mixing ochres and learn how it was used for art, trade, ceremony and to tell stories.

Mullian Dreaming
Next tour: 4.30 pm, Saturday 21 December 2013
Duration: 60 minutes Cost: $20 per person

Look through the Mullian’s (Wedge-tailed Eagle) eyes and learn about the clan groups of Ngunnawal country and their cultural connections to neighbouring nations on the summit of Mount Ainslie. Learn the Mullian creation story and how the Ngunnawal people have journeyed to the mountains on ancient pathways to practise ceremonies for thousands of years. Listen to how these ancient stories are still being told by the Ngunnawal people and how an ancient language has been incorporated into the modern Canberra landscape.

For enquiries and bookings
Phone: (02) 6207 0078

22 November 2013 – 20 July 2014
On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate exhibition

National Museum of Australia

On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate is an inspiring exhibition that showcases contemporary Indigenous land and sea management  practices across Australia.

By blending millennia of traditional knowledge about ecology with modern technology and research, these practices are helping to protect Australia’s fragile environments for our future.

Indigenous land and sea management practices build a connection to Country and this connection is strengthened through caring for Country, being on Country, and celebrating Country.

Warning: This exhibition includes images and names of deceased people that may cause distress to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This exhibition is supported by the Australian Government Department of the Environment.

25 November 2013 6-7pm
Patrick Dodson ‘The road to reconciliation: Some reflections on the politics and challenges of reconciliation’
ARC Cinema, National Film and Sound Archive, McCoy Circuit Acton ACT

Professor Patrick Dodson is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia. He has dedicated his life work to being an advocate for constructive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people based on mutual respect, understanding and dialogue. He is a recipient of the Sydney International Peace prize. He was a Royal Commissioner into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, inaugural Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and Co-Chair of the Expert Panel for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians.

Professor Dodson lives in Broome with his family, where he is involved in social, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability through his roles as Chair of the Lingiari Foundation and Executive Chair of Nyamba Buru Yawuru. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Broome where he lectures in spirituality and the challenge of reconciliation. His brother, Professor Mick Dodson AM, is also a national Indigenous Australian leader and is Director of the National Centre for Indigenous Studies at ANU.

In this lecture, Professor Patrick Dodson reflects on the politics and challenges of Australia’s reconciliation journey.

28 November 2013 12 – 2pm
Murray Darling Rivers: Can Indigenous Stories Reshape 21st Century Policy?
National Press Club, Canberra

“Ringbalin – River Stories” is the re-imaging of Australia’s greatest river system from its source in Queensland to the sea 2500 km away at the Coorong in South Australia. Through a host of high quality short documentary films, a group of Elders and storytellers from different traditional nations will invite people to take an actual, or virtual journey. These are journeys of connection and transformation, guided by the insights and knowledge of indigenous knowledge holders through a landscape of geo-located Aboriginal stories and interactive maps.

Although “Ringbalin – River Stories” is largely a cultural guide, a story and a tool for discovery, it also has significant implications for how we craft sustainable futures in the Murray Darling Basin.

The purpose of this Parliamentary Triangle Seminar will be to evaluate the potential role of “Ringbalin-River Stories” in narrating not only a different understanding of the ecology of the basin but a new approach to the governance of the Basin. An approach that recognizes that the challenge of sustainable development requires the adoption of the key principles underpinning these indigenous stories: of stewardship for future generations; that all Basin communities should have parity of esteem, rights and responsibilities for stewardship; and, that a healthy basin requires governance for the future.

With this aim in mind the ANZSOG Institute for Governance has brought together a panel of national experts and practitioners to reflect on these fundamental issues for the future of the Basin. How do indigenous stories lead us to rethink the ecology of the Basin? What are the governance implications of these stories? How can they help us to address the institutional sclerosis that characterizes national water governance in Australia? How could a new government use this approach to change governance to empower local communities to take charge of their own Murray Darling Basin futures?

Cost: $70 (GST incl)

For more information and booking, please go to the website below:

Friday, 6 December 5 –  9pm
Trade Night Market
Canberra Environment Centre


ANTaR ACT will have a stall at The Canberra Environment Centre Trade Night Market 5-9pm, Friday 6 December, Lennox Crossing near AIATSIS with lots of ethical and eco-friendly gifts this Christmas. The Trade Night Market features all things fair, handmade and organic and is a relaxing way to do your Christmas shopping away from the mayhem.

This year the market features more than 40 stalls, live music, delicious food and a pop-up local wine bar.

Stayed tuned for more information and email if you would like to apply to be a stallholder.

Canberra’s first sustainable night market!

With live music, plenty of food, wine, cakes and sweets, coffee & chai, and over 40 eco-friendly market stalls the Trade Night Market is definitely the place to get your Christmas presents this year!

Pick yourself up a variety of sustainable and environmental gifts including:

§  Organic, Fair Trade & Local Food Produce

§  Organic beauty products

§  Jewellery

§  Solar Panels, Rainwater tanks & Compost Bins/Worm Farms

§  Vegetable & Herb Seedlings

§  Pre-loved Clothing and Accessories

§  Vintage Bicycles

§  Books

§  ‘Upcycled’ wall-hangings, clothes, homewares & decorations

§  Fair Trade handicrafts and homewares

§  Natural & Chemical Free Cleaning Products

§  Indigenous art

§  Ceramics

§  Pottery

The Environmental Impacts of Christmas:
It is estimated that in Australia spending on goods and services that are not used or only partly used; wasteful consumption, exceeds $10.5 billion every year. The most unpopular but widely received of all Christmas gifts in Australia were body & bath products, books, dressing gowns, slippers, socks and underwear. In the last 50 years, 60% of the Earth’s ecosystems have been degraded and worldwide we are currently consuming 30% more natural resources than the Earth’s ecosystems can replenish.

12 February 2014 Sea of Hands setting up
Lawson Crescent, Acton

AIATSIS (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) and ANTaR are celebrating the anniversary of the National Apology and 50 years of AIATSIS with a large, colourful sea of hands on the shore of Lake Burley Griffin at Acton Peninsula.  AIATSIS promotes further understanding of Australian Indigenous cultures, past and present, through undertaking and supporting research and building collections of print and audio-visual materials.  We would like your help to create the sea!  Join us on 12 February to help set up the hands outside of AIATSIS, Lawson Crescent, Acton.  If you are interested in helping out or would like more information, please email us.

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