Patrick Lock at the Tent Embassy has asked ANTaR ACT whether we can support their activities, and we are passing this request on so that individuals can assist as they choose as well.
The Tent Embassy has called a gathering of Elders and elected representatives from across Australia from 18th and 25th November 2015 to discuss leadership, self determination, governance and treaty.
The Tent Embassy needs some help for the event and to revitalise it in the longer term.
There is a list below of some of the goods that would be useful. Financial donations would be really appreciated, and will be used for the November gathering and assisting people to get to Canberra, and (if anything is left over!) to contribute towards secure office space and a reliable internet connection.
Please take donations directly to the Tent Embassy if you can. If you need items picked up please contact or call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.
Goods for the November Gathering – from around 16 – 28 November
– Transport for elders (if you can assist with transport,
please contact
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