Imagining a different justice future for Indigenous Children in the ACT
ABC News came along to the forum on Monday 30 May – you can read all about it here.
Sharing Stories – Guumaal Ngambri Mingku (aka Shane Mortimer) – Sunday 19 June
The Committee on Racial Equality (CORE) is holding the fourth in a series of gatherings to offer opportunities to listen and learn from First Nations speakers who are sharing something of their life experience, visions and concerns.
The speaker at this gathering is Guumaal Ngambri Mingku (aka Shane Mortimer). He is passionate about his ancestral connections to Ngambri country since the beginning of time. He will share with us his family story since colonisation in 1821 and the facts behind the transnational genocide in Canberra and the opportunity out of that adversity.
The Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, cnr Condamine & Bent Sts, Turner
Sunday 19 June, 2 – 4pm.
To help in organising refreshments, please RSVP by Friday 17 June to Gedda Fortey,
NAIDOC week events
There are many events being organised in Canberra to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture during NAIDOC week. The theme for 2016 is Songlines: The Living Narrative of our Nation.
Below are just some – a more comprehensive calendar will be distributed by the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs and will be available closer to the time.
NAIDOC Family Day – Sunday 3 July, 11am – 4pm,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre, 245 Lady Denman Drive, Yarramundi Reach
NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony and Reception – Monday 4 July, 11am
ACT Legislative Assembly Reception Room/Civic Square
The ACT Government’s formal recognition of the importance of NAIDOC week.
RSVP by Friday 24 June to or 6207 5304
NAIDOC Community Celebration – Tuesday 5 July, 11am – 2pm
Marymead, 255 Goyder St, Narrabundah
Entertainment, art, BBQ, children’s activities
Co-hosted by Marymead, ACTCOSS, The Smith Family, Woden Community Service, Northside Community Service, YWCA Canberra
Aboriginal Pathways, Communities and Knowledge
A mixed media exhibition by Lynette Talbot in celebration of NAIDOC week
The gally@bcs, Belconnen Community Centre, Swanston Cct, Belconnen
Exhibition runs 27 June – 15 July, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Official opening 5.30pm, Wednesday 6 July
RSVP for opening: by 27 June
Celebrating Reconciliation and NAIDOC weeks 2016
Recent acquisitions in the from Indigenous artists for the Parliament House Art Collection, featuring a set of sculptures by Utopia artist Dinny Kunoth Kemarre that represent a current player from each of the 18 teams in the AFL.
Showing 27 May to 10 July, Presiding Officers’ Exhibition Area, Parliament House
For more information, click here.
Friday 8 July, lunch 11-12, tee off at 12, Queanbeyan Golf Club
Enquiries: Maurice Walker, 6207 6052,
NAIDOC by the lake… Singing our Culture – Saturday 9 July, 11am – 3pm
Live performances, food and art stalls, jumping castle, film screenings and craft
Belconnen Arts Centre, by Lake Ginninderra – for details click here.
Presented in conjunction with West Belconnen Child and Family Centre, Belconnen Community Services and Uniting Care Kippax
ANTaR ACT events
The next ANTaR ACT committee meeting will be held – in NAIDOC week – on Tuesday 5 July, 6pm, at King O’Malleys in the Snug Room (behind the bar).
Enquiries: call Cherisse on 0449 738 901.
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