Welcome to 2018
The first ANTaR ACT monthly meeting for the year will be this Monday, 5 February, at 6pm, at King O’Malleys in the Snug Room. All are welcome to come along to this special meeting and share ideas on what we want to focus on in 2018. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email info@antaract.org.au or call 0408 573 151.
One of the ideas that we have for this year is to have a book group, meeting monthly to discuss a range of books relevant to the focus of ANTaR on justice, rights and respect for Australia’s First Peoples. Email info@antaract.org.au if you are interested in finding out more.
Rethinking our National Holiday
There is an increasing recognition that it is inappropriate to celebrate Australia on 26 January, the day starting the dispossession and oppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
This year there were events across Australia to acknowledge this day of mourning and survival. It was great to see so many people come together this year in Canberra to walk from Civic to the Tent Embassy, as seen in the photos here.
ANTaR National is joining the call for change – see more at https://antar.org.au/campaigns/rethink-our-national-holiday-0
Events coming up
Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters
This National Museum of Australia exhibition has been extended to 28 February. This is the first exhibition of its kind, attempting to tell in an exhibition space an Indigenous founding narrative by using Indigenous ways of passing on knowledge.The project was inspired by an investigative collaboration between senior custodians of Martu country and Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) and Ngaanyatjarra lands of Australia’s Central and Western deserts, along with the National Museum of Australia, the Australian National University and other partners. For more information see: http://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/songlines.
Apology 10
Tuesday 13 February marks 10 years since Kevin Rudd apologised on behalf of the Australian people to the stolen generations. The Healing Foundation is holding a major event in Canberra to mark this occasion at Federation Mall, Tuesday 13 February, 6pm, with Archie Roach and others – see the details at https://healingfoundation.org.au/apology10/.