- ANTaR National site:
- Ngarigo (Wikipedia)
- Ngunawal past present and future
- The History of Ngambri Country
- Thunderstone (Murungul Gurubung) Aboriginal Cultural and Land Management Services
- The Uluru Statement: https://ulurustatement.org/
- ANTaR ACT supports the Change the Record campaign, a national, Aboriginal led justice coalition of legal, health and family violence prevention experts whose mission is to end the incarceration of, and family violence against, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ANTaR National is a founding member of this group.
- Raise the age is a campaign supported by ANTaR and the Change the Record coalition of legal, medical and social justice organisations, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community owned organisations. Raisetheage.org.au shows why 10-year-old children simply should not be going to prison, and what some of the alternatives are.
- ANTaR has produced this resource on Treaty in Australia which examines Treaty and agreement-making between First Nations peoples in Australian jurisdictions and elsewhere around the world.
- National Treaties Summit: https://www.nationaltreatiessummit.com.au/