Welcome to the July / August 2022 edition of the ANTaR ACT newsletter. Please keep reading for an update on our next ANTaRACT committee meeting and the upcoming 2022 David Hunter Memorial Lecture – LET’S HAVE SMART JUSTICE IN THE ACT
In my enthusiasm I sent out the last email news before it was complete and sending extra information now, including our next committee meeting.
Our next committee meeting will be on Monday 8th August 6pm via Zoom. If you would like to join us, please email at info@antaract.org.au and we will send you details.
DAVID HUNTER MEMORIAL LECTURE (DHML) 2022 will be held on Thursday 25th August at the Durie Room, St Mark’s National Theological Centre, 15 Blackall St. Barton ACT. This invitation is for you to attend in person for drinks and savouries from 5.45pm OR to join the lecture and Q&A online from 6.30pm
Note: All attendees, (including those attending in person) must register online via https://bit.ly/3RZBDlk
2022 Speakers:
Cheryl Axleby, Co-Chair, Change the Record, is a proud Narungga Woman who is passionate about improving the quality of life for her people. Cheryl has spent the last 40 years working within the Aboriginal community, Federal Govt and South Australian Government to improve the lives of First Nations peoples. She has experience working within the Aboriginal community sector, law and justice, women’s issues, family violence, youth justice, child and family services and is currently working in the Aboriginal Community Housing sector. Cheryl is committed to influencing positive change and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Tanya Keed, Chair of the The ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body (ATSIEB) is a proud Aboriginal woman from Dunghatti Country, NSW, who has called Canberra home for more than 20 years. She does critical work in health and trauma management for women engaged with the ACT criminal justice system. Tanya’s a strong advocate on issues around Aboriginal incarceration, family violence and crime. Her work with corrective services has gone from the Alexander Maconochie Centre and Victim Service ACT to setting up and directing her own consultancy, Clybucca Dreaming, in 2018. Bolstering her extensive work experience are a Bachelor of Social Work and post-graduate qualifications in Indigenous trauma recovery.
What’s happening Nationally this week.
GARMA FESTIVAL 2022. https://garmafestival.com.au/
Garma is Australia’s premier Indigenous event, a celebration of the cultural, artistic and ceremonial traditions of the Yolngu people. 29th July – 1st August 2022.
ABC – Q&A at Garma – Monday 1 August at 9.45pm
Q&A returns with a special program from north-east Arnhem Land, broadcasting from the Garma Festival, Australia’s largest Indigenous cultural gathering. Three years after the event was last held, Indigenous elders, politicians and cultural leaders will meet for this significant occasion.
The festival is a celebration of the cultural, artistic and ceremonial traditions of the Yolngu people – this year’s is based around the theme of “Nhanga Ngathilyurra”, meaning to look ahead towards the future – and comes amid Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s commitment to hold a referendum to enshrine a Voice for First Nations people in the Constitution.
Hosted by Stan Grant, Q+A will speak to Indigenous leaders and discuss issues facing their community, and will feature a special performance by First Nations artist Miiesha. https://www.abc.net.au/qanda/2022-07-31/13977922
Some of what’s happening in Canberra & online
CONNECTION at the National Museum of Australia https://www.nma.gov.au/whats-on/connection Until 9 Oct 2022, costs apply
Songlines from Australia’s First Peoples in a spectacular immersive experience. Take a journey through Indigenous art and culture in Connection, a breathtaking new digital experience in its world premiere at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. Connection comes from Grande Experiences, creators and producers of the most visited multi-sensory exhibition in the world, Van Gogh Alive.
BELONGING at the National Museum of Australia | 7 July 2022 to 12 February 2023 | Free. https://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/belonging
Belonging: Stories from Far North Queensland is the first in a three-part exhibition series that captures generations of cultural knowledge shaped by a profound relationship to Country. In these vibrant and innovative works, emerging and established First Nations artists from across Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait explore new materials and techniques as they share what it means to belong.
An Aboriginal Culinary Journey at the National Museum of Australia | 27 May to 18 September 2022 | Free https://www.nma.gov.au/exhibitions/aboriginal-culinary-journey
See First Nations objects from the National Museum of Australia’s collection alongside a newly commissioned range of appliances featuring stunning designs from contemporary artists in An Aboriginal Culinary Journey: Designed for Living. Part of the Breville Art Series, this exhibition is a partnership between First Nations peoples, Breville and the National Museum of Australia, producing objects for the heart of the home that celebrate contemporary design and reflect 65,000 years of ongoing Indigenous culture. This exhibition will tour internationally from late 2022.
2022 DHML LET’S HAVE SMART JUSTICE in the ACT | 25 August 2022 | Free

ANTaR ACT wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Canberra is situated, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people. We wish to acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region. We would also like to acknowledge other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who may visit this area.