The annual David Hunter Memorial Lecture will be on Monday 27 September, at 6pm. With the ongoing concerns around COVID-19, we decided to move the lecture to be completely online, regardless of any change in restrictions, to keep everyone safe.
We hope you can join us via Zoom to hear our speakers Bhiamie Williamson and Dean Freeman reflecting on How we can heal Country, following the NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country, Heal Our Nation.
To register for online participation:
For more information, see ANTaR ACT website – DHML 2021.

Other news and links
There’s a lot going on right now. But let’s not forget about Closing the Gap
ANTaR ACT committee member Janet Hunt, wrote this article about the release of the ACT government’s Closing the Gap implementation plan, published in the Canberra Times on Saturday 28 August 2021.
As Janet concludes: Having a plan is a start. Putting it into action is the real test. It’s important for the government, which has had more than 20 years in office, to improve the situation of First Nations and give these issues high priority right now.
Online events on Wednesday 8 September
Deep Conversations: Telling History through Country (ANU School of History)
Boarding Off Country (ANU – CAEPR)
Raising the Age: Getting Children out of Prisons (The Australia Institute)
Incarceration Nation
If you missed Incarceration Nation when it screened on NITV recently, you can still watch the film on SBS OnDemand.
Incarceration Nation is a powerful study of a justice system rooted in colonialism and a prison industry that profits from incarceration. The ongoing oppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout these systems is evident in the disproportion of incarceration rates, the continued crisis of First Nations deaths in custody, and the lack of government accountability in addressing these issues or commitment to justice reinvestment.
Speakers include Tony McAvoy, SC, keynote speaker at our David Hunter Memorial Lecture last year.
Join the Incarceration Nation Campaign #RaiseYourVoice and take action to address racism and injustice.