‘Kindling the Peace Fire’ – from 5.30pm on Friday 24 April on top of Mt Ainslie: Meeting at the top of the mountain at sunset to light peace lanterns, welcome to country, community singing, an offering of poetry, ‘Spirit Songs for ANZAC Eve’, led by A Chorus of Women and a ceremonial smoking at the entrance to the mountain path.
‘Walking into darkness’ – departing 6.15pm on Friday 24 April from top of Mt Ainslie: Walkers begin their lantern-lit procession down the mountain track. The walk is shared as a meditative walk and the metaphor is of each of us carrying a light down into the darkness of grief. Not for everyone, only the sure-footed. Candle-lit lanterns provided. At the end of the path, walkers will pause in Remembrance Park and gather in some community singing before proceeding into the Australian War Memorial precinct.
‘Sharing the peace fire, sharing lament’ – from around 7.15pm on Friday 24 April at forecourt of Australian War Memorial: The lantern procession will join with other participants in the Australian War Memorial Forecourt about the Peace Fire for the main ceremony of the Vigil. With song, poetry and personal storytelling, we will re-imagine ANZAC, seek, find and share our common ground of lament. For all the dead and maimed of all the wars.
‘Night vigil around the peace fire’ – from around 8.30pm on Friday 24 April at the lake end of Anzac Parade, outside West Block: Departing the War Memorialf or a final lantern walk down Anzac Parade and gathering outside West Block for a campfire with stories, poetry, singing and conversation all through the night. Warming soup will be offered, and also after the ANZAC Dawn Service next morning. Remember to BYO mug, rug and chair.
Further information: http://anzacpeacevigil.org/
Johanna McBride, Musical Co-ordinator,A Chorus of Women – 0402 050 885
Graeme Dunstan, Master Lantern Maker,Peacebus.com – 0407 951 688