ANTaR ACT is proud to support local and national Indigenous organisations:
Us Mob Writing Group
Based in the ACT, the Us Mob Writing Group is a group of First Nations Australian peoples’ with both emerging and established writers, poets and playwrights. By Close of Business is a collection of poetry and prose by members of the Us Mob Writing Group.
“This collection of works will give you an understanding of who we are as First Nations Australians as we share with you our identities, who we are as family and who we are within our cultural groups. We invite you to share our journey as we try to achieve justice in our own country with recognition as the sovereign people of the land and the need for a Treaty”.
Buy your own copy: $20.00 per book, $5.00 postage and handling.
Please send money order to:
Kerry Reed-Gilbert
PO Box 623 Dickson ACT 2602
Ocean spray, wind blows
Salt taste on my tongue
Homeward, here I come
Vast blue surrounds me
Birds shriek wildly above
Fish in the water
Salt hangs in the air
Blue sky, blue ocean surrounds
I head home today
Wet water, so blue
I see your secrets hidden
And taste delightful
Eyes closed
My heart cries
I am back again
by Samantha Faulkner