Request for help – Sea of Hands

Help needed to set up a Sea of Hands: Monday 29 August

Following up from the Redfern Statement, supporting organisations released acommunique on June 24 with specific asks of the 45th Parliament.

An event on Parliament House Front lawns is being planned to coincide with the first sitting day of the new Parliament and will include National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peaks, campaign networks from the Change the Record, Close the Gap and Family Matters campaigns, as well as broader supporting organisations.

The event will take place across August 29 and 30 and will involve a Sea of Hands installation being planted on Parliament House Front lawns with the key message PM: Meet with First Peoples.

National Congress and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations will be holding a press conference following a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony scheduled for Tuesday morning.

ANTaR National is seeking support from volunteers to assist with hand planting on the afternoon of Monday 29 August. Should you be able to assist, please email indicating available times.

National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples

The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples is working very hard to stay afloat so they can continue to fight for the rights of Australia’s First Peoples. They are putting pressure on the Prime Minister to listen to National Congress and recognise them as the peak body for Australia’s First Peoples. Please consider becoming a Friend of Congress or, if an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, a Member of Congress.

ANTaR ACT events

The next ANTaR ACT committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 September, 6pm, at King O’Malleys in the Snug Room (behind the bar). You are welcome to join us to discuss plans for the remainder of the year, including the next David Hunter Memorial Lecture.

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