25th anniversary of Deaths in Custody Report
ANTaR ACT is planning an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the release of the report by the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody onFriday 15 April.
We plan to have a lunchtime event (12.30 to 1.30pm) at the Mabo Room, AIATSIS (next to the National Museum), with people speaking on different aspects of the report, the changes following and current issues around the continuing high rate of incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the need for initiatives like justice reinvestment to change this.
More details to be circulated as available.
For information about current campaigns, see ANTaR National website orChange the Record website.
Frontier Massacres Enquiry and Petition
The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is planning a Frontier Massacres Enquiry National Summit, from 18 to 20 March. You can find out more about this event atEventbrite and you can sign the related petition at Change. Also see this recentarticle from The Canberra Times.
Bangarra move: Spear
The National Film and Sound Archive will be showing a new dance movie Spearfrom 7 – 23 March. The film is directed by Bangarra’s Stephen Page and features dancers from Bangarra Dance Theatre. It depicts the journey of young Aboriginal man Djali (Hunter Page-Lochard) as he comes to understand what it means to be a man, and co-stars Aaron Pedersen.
For more information and session times, see the NFSA website.
Close the Gap Day
Close the Gap Day is coming up on Thursday 17th March. Oxfam is encouraging individuals and organisations to register or attend events to support Indigenous health equality. Information about events can be found through theClose the Gap home page.
Locally, events include a morning tea hosted by Woden Community Service, at the Woden Youth Centre, 10.30. Guest speaker is Robyn Martin, Manager of Beryl Women’s Refuge and 2015 ACT Woman of the Year.
ANTaR ACT meetings – including meeting Chris Bourke
The ANTaR ACT committee will be next meeting on Tuesday 5 April, 6pm, at the Snug Room in King O’Malleys (behind the bar).
We will have an additional meeting in April with Dr Chris Bourke MLA, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Minister for Children and Young People, Minister for Disability, Minister for Small Business and the Arts, & Minister for Veterans and Seniors. This will be a chance to raise with him issues around current ANTaR campaigns and find out more about the ACT Governments position and actions in these areas. The meeting will be onTuesday 19th April, 6pm, in the Snug Room at King O’Malleys.
Please call Cherisse on 0449 738 9010449 738 901 if you would like more information on ANTaR ACT committee meetings or assistance to get there.
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